Divide et Imperia


I ruminate at work. Another political armchair post can’t hurt any.

In this last election all the kids got into power and left the conservative right reeling. We never saw this NDP majority coming. The right was split evenly between the PC and WRP, and the socialists walked down the middle and scooped up a bunch of closely-fought seats. In almost every case the NDP hadn’t a hope if there had only been one conservative candidate, but alas, there were two.

What we need is to unite the right.

Most of the bums in the WRP crossed the floor before the election and lost their seats forthwith. Most of the bums in the PC lost their seats to the NDP. Most of the survivors are pretty good guys, and good MLA’s.

Combine the two parties by this time next year, and put up a good defence for our freedoms and our money in the House. Full-court-press all the committees and walk circles around the frat pack.

There you go. Easy, no?

Don’t forget that the left can fragment again…

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